Leadership 101
Writing 201
Bible 301
Theology 401
Adademic Assistance with any acacemic deficiencies
(credit can be earned for these)
Hunting: Safety/Guiding
Cooking/ Baking
Computer/ Office Skills
Sports/Fitness/ Recrecation
Personal Development
Texas Etiquette
Teaching/ Instruction
Gun Safety
Live Stock
Veterinarian Work
Yard Work
Tree Trimming/ Pruning
Farm Work
Field Work
There are four core classes that all particpants will take, Leadership 101, Writing 201, Bible 301, Theology 401.
The goal is with the right connections we will be able to offer transferable credit hours for these courses - if the participant is a student at a university/college and desires the course work on their transcript. Other opprotuies of learning will come in from formal and informal enviroments.
One’s job will demand 20+/- hours of time per week, as a part time job would. Each job title has a staffed supervisor who will lead up every project. Not one week at one job will be the same at the next at the same job. The opportunity will be had to learn many new things and have extraordinary experiences through "on the job" training.
One will have different assigned jobs all summer long,