This statment/letter was composed January 2024, it is the overview of the program and the beginning of the discussion to what is needed be shared with all who would listen! 

Blessings~ thank you for reading! 


Triple O Ranch: Summer Experience

Triple O Ranch Summer Experience is an environment conducive to mentoring that happens over the expanse of a summer, with young people who are available in mind, body, and spirit. The goal of this program is to provide an opportunity through location and instruction to invest in the lives of individuals through training, discipline, edification, and meditation, embracing and exposing leadership potential hence transforming it into reality. The Summer Experience is designed to empower the mind, enhance the body, and encourage the spirit.


The measure of a man is not the number of his servants,

but in the number of people whom he serves.

-Paul D. Moody


The program is designed to bring in young people from three different age groups, continually building on each. The first session will be those 21 years of age and older, not to exceed eight men and eight women, for a total of sixteen. Each session will be four weeks in length, therefore, four weeks later the second session of young people will arrive, those who are eighteen or have graduated from high school, and finally four weeks later, eight weeks since the first group arrived the final session will begin. The participants attending the final and third session will be those still in high school, yet already understand that their future is dependent on themselves and to whom they allow into their lives. One does not have to be enrolled in college or in pre-college classes to participate in this experience, it is for everyone.


The application process for the Summer Experience is simple but elaborate. One must be recommended to be able to apply.


“A great many men and women with leadership potentials

simply do not recognize the possibilities within themselves.”

-JW. Gardner


The Summer Experience is not a camp or an environment/place for kids with discipline or academic problems. It is a ministry and leadership training environment, with opportunity and adventure beyond most people’s life experiences. It is for those who know there is more to life and are willing to go after it; designed for those who have character, know what commitment is, who are continually longing to develop their leadership skills, value their integrity and others, possess faith and believe in one True God and can extend grace as He does and want to continue in their personal development, while having an experience of a lifetime.

While there, participants will attend classes, while holding down and learning from a part time job. Each job will demand 20+/- hours of time per week, as a part time job would. Each job title has a staffed supervisor who will lead up every project. Not one week at one job will be the same as the next, the opportunity to learn new things and have extraordinary experiences through "on the job" training. Participants will be responsible for assigned chores and encouraged to participate in the social on goings at the Triple O.

The class structure will be very academic in nature, lectures, reads, projects, assignments, and a whole lot a fun. One of my areas of giftedness is to create an interest by making life and subject areas interesting.

On a personal note, I have been known to challenge people to think beyond their “box” without compromising who they are, making their “brains hurt.” I enjoy this and know that those I have worked with enjoy learning in a new way, a way that works. Although my classes are designed to be difficult, they are not beyond what these participants will be able to handle and will begin the transformation and molding process of life. The classes that everyone will participate in will be Leadership, Bible Study Skills, Theology and Writing. There will be opportunity to take replacement classes or fulfill deficiencies in other subject areas for those who require such.

The Summer Experience is a once in a lifetime experience where what one takes from the summer can be experienced for a lifetime. This is a massive undertaking and I strongly believe that there are people out there who are in desperate need of personal journey investigation, so here we go.

I look forward to your questions, but before I entertain questions, I would like to let you know why I have chosen to let you in on my dream.


No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto.

-W. Clement Stone


I am looking for people whom God is stirring, those who “get it” who understand my dream and can picture themselves participating to some extent, which may include someone you know to whom you believe may be interested in participating. I am not advertising for staff, nor am I fundraising. I trust God will provide for the needs of the land, facility, staff, buildings, equipment, furniture, etc. There are many areas and aspects that need to be determined, decided, and even discovered to make this program happen; and although the participants will have a cost for attending, I want to be able to have most of the program subsidized, underwritten, and sponsored.

Please check out the webpage for more information. Should you have any questions, feel lead to be involved, or might know someone who would be interested please feel free to contact me, email, phone text/call!

The Triple O Ranch is a huge undertaking and only with God is it possible; it is way beyond me.

Thank you for the opportunity to share.

~Dr. Janie Christine (jc.) Cauthen


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